After undergoing rigorous training sessions in the Pest Management Academy (PMA) and passing the examination, it was time to acknowledge the hard work of the Bio-Tech pest control technicians and employees. Last August 3, 2012, a PMA Graduation was held at Jade Palace, Shaw Blvd, Pasig City. Everyone was awarded with a Certificate of Completion and a special incentive was given to the Top 10 Graduates. To cap off the graduation ceremony, an inspiring speech was given by the Top Graduate among the technicians. After…
Makati Archives
Bio-Tech Environmental First General Assembly & Recognition Rites
Dengue Alert: 51,597 Dengue Cases Reported
The Department of Health (DOH) reported 16.43% increase of dengue cases from January 1 to July 14, 2012 compared to the same time period last year (with 44,315 cases). Watch out for more updates from the BUGboard courtesy of the Pest Management Academy of Bio-Tech Environmental Services Philippines, Inc.
Pest Control Professional Training at Pest Management Academy
Sweet victory for all! All 58 students of the Pest Management Academy (PMA) proudly received their Certificate of Training last August 1 during the 2012 Pest Management Academy Recognition Day and 1st Company General Assembly held at Jade Palace Restaurant in Pasig City, Philippines. The PMAers comprise of Pest Management Technicians, Area Managers, and Pest Control Operations personnel. Prior to this event, the students attended a total of 24 hours of training in a span of three months (March to May) covering modules in basic entomology, pest biology…
Bio-Tech Environmental launched Pest Management Academy
Striving to become a learning-centered organization, Bio-Tech Environmental Services Philippines, Inc. officially instituted the PEST MANAGEMENT ACADEMY, simply known as the PMA, early this year. As the training arm of Bio-Tech Environmental, it envisions to become the premier provider of urban pest management education for clients and fellow professionals alike. Moreover, through the PMA, the company positions itself as a steward in the professionalization of the Pest Control Industry in the Philippines by developing highly competent Pest Management Professionals, “The Defender of the Modern Lifestyle”, in all aspects…
Bio-Tech Environmental renews Pest Control Team Spirit
Living the teachings of Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Bio-Tech Environmental held its annual company outing at Munting Buhangin Beach Camp, Nasugbu, Batangas on March 31 to April 1, 2012 to “sharpen the saw”. Dubbed as Bio-Tech Olympics 2012, this year’s event combined the American reality game show, Survivor, and Hollywood box-office hit, The Hunger Games, concepts to include sweat-drenching and mentally-exhausting challenges that was sure to renew camaraderie and team spirit among our Pest Control Professionals. Each team’s strength and stamina was put…